Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Passing of Dr. Hulda Clark, Health Crusader, at 80 years old


Thank you very much to Ken Adachi for this excellent obituary on Dr. Clark. Throughout my travels, I frequently meet people who feel they owe their quality of life, and even their lives to Dr. Clark.

I also was one of the 40+ defendants (along with Dr. Clark) in a classic Industry Vs Activist SLAPP suit that began in 2000 when Stephen Barrett, Terry Polevoy and Christopher Grell sued us for 'libel.'

Simultaneously, they launched massive internet smear campaigns against us all ... the majority of us having spoken out to the very real dangers of vaccinations. In my opinion, Barrett's teams and tactic mirror the "Ministry of Truth" from 1984 ... and I further believe they are one of the 'media' arms of the Vaccination (as well as Chemical / Medical Device / Pharmaceutical) Industry propagandists.

Barrett Vs Clark evolved into Barrett Vs Rosenthal ... and I am happy to say, we won in the Supreme Court of California nearly 3 years ago. 

During that time ... Barrett's teams have fully infiltrated Wikipedia and the blog and usenet worlds, and keep their (loser's) version of their cases against us before the public. They attempt to control and change history to their benefit.

In winning Barrett Vs Rosenthal, people on this list and throughout the internet are protected from expensive, time gulping SLAPP suits such as Dr. Clark and I endured. In a nutshell ... you can not be held liable for re-posting the words of another ... something that goes happens thousands (or millions) of times daily in this informative list and throughout the net.

Ilena Rosenthal