Health lover, Ilena Rosenthal, blogs about matters she considers important for the health of God's Green Planet ... and her inhabitants.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Records Document 3,589 Adverse Reactions Related to Gardasil between May 2009 and September 2010, Including 213 Cases Resulting in Permanent Disability
Thank you so much for any donation you can share with us.
The Humantics Foundation has kept the message of the dangers of breast implants before the public for 16 years now ... providing free information & support on this highly charged, controversial topic. We have maintained a network of support for women harmed by breast implants via email lists and groups and continue to provide telephone and email support on a daily basis.
We speak out too, on vaccination danger awareness, and the cover-up of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, from which many, many in our support groups suffer.
By doing so, the entire time, we have been the target of industry backed legal and smear campaigns attempting to silence our voice and bankrupt us. It's been very challenging, to put it gently, and we're still here, thanks to God's grace and the generosity of friends and supporters.
Today more than ever ... the breast implant industry and their very connected public relations teams have a lot of power to keep their corporate backed message before the public.
If you wish to contribute to help us, please click paypal below ... credit cards are now accepted or write us here.
Some of you may have heard of Barrett Vs Rosenthal.
I'm Rosenthal.
After 7 long, expensive years of litigation, I recently prevailed in a California Supreme Court Decision which protects web posters from being sued for reposting the words of another.
I quote from The Matrix: "Fate, it seems, is not without a touch of Irony."
While suing me for libel (& losing) ... the plaintiffs and their public relations connections have waged massive smear campaigns of monumental proportions against me and the other defendants.
Contacting Ilena Rosenthal and The Humantics Foundation
We are very interested in hearing from you via email.
It would be a full time job monitoring all of the professional public relations teams that have followed me throughout the internet and filled this blog with their rants.
Their attempts to silence me and overwhelm me with dissension, led to my ultimate victory in Barrett Vs Rosenthal in the Supreme Court of California in November, 2006.
They have attempted to overwhelm my blogs too ... also unsuccessfully.
So please feel welcome to email me with your specific comments.