Friday, July 10, 2009

Pharma Scientist Speaks Out About Poisons in Vaccines: Scientist Reveals Damage and Death Cover-ups

Former Pharma Scientist Speaks out about Vaccines

Horrific Testimonials after babies and children received vaccinations

Tempe AZ...courts ordered vaccines over mother's wishes...children immediately damaged

Which are the 18 states that allow vaccination exemption based on philosophical reasons?

All States Exemption Information...Scroll Down

Washington State Exemption Information

Q: What specific scriptural teachings form the basis for religious objection to the practice of vaccination? The New Testament epistles provide an exposition of Christian teaching regarding ethical behavior.  Christians think of life as a gift of God and the body as a marvelous work of divine creation to be reverenced as a temple of God (I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19).  To keep the body/temple holy and clean from blemish, scripture warns against defiling the body. (I Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 7:1).

There is no scriptural support for injecting poisons or any virus into the bloodstream to cure or prevent disease.  The Old and New Testaments, however, are replete with references to keeping the body blemish-free so that we may have abundant life.