Friday, February 15, 2008

Pills might not be the answer ...

Justin Weisbrod, Staff Writer

'Mind body techniques have gone through the same scientific process in terms of effectiveness and validity than say pharmaceuticals and surgery,' Dr. Tomer Anbar of the Mind Body Health initiative said of holistic health methods - a newly revived form of medicine.
Media Credit: MCT Campus
'Mind body techniques have gone through the same scientific process in terms of effectiveness and validity than say pharmaceuticals and surgery,' Dr. Tomer Anbar of the Mind Body Health initiative said of holistic health methods - a newly revived form of medicine.

A report from The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found that "more than 15 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs."

This false sense of absolute protection causes many of the careless unsustainable lifestyles that people live.
The holistic health industry, better known as Mind Body Health, encompasses a way of living that we've been taught for ages: Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables; practice meditation and yoga; visit a massage therapist regularly, and stay active.  

Many aspects of alternative medicine can be effective but are not incorporated in mainstream medicine. In a study by Dr. Hemstreet, 483 MD licenses were canceled for using aspects of alternative medicine or natural healing system nutrition.  (Note from Ilena:  It is now known that my nemesis, Stephen Barrett, has been a part of the attacks against licensed physicians for decades.)

More here.